
Fasting and Feasting

The Fast Life

Fast from judging others;
Feast on Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from fear of illness;
Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute;
Feast on speech that purifies.
Fast from discontent;
Feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger;
Feast on…

Parish Pastoral Assembly: Mission Statement

Following our recent meetings, and after deliberation and prayerful reflection, we present the
Mission Statement of The Pastoral Assembly of the Parish of Kilbeggan & Rahugh:
‘We the Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA), inspired by the Holy Spirit and guided by God’s love, aim to enable parishioners move closer to God through the promotion…

St. James's Church re-dedicated by Bishop Tom Deenihan 3rd February 2019

Lenten Message from Pope Francis


Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey

Dear brothers and sisters!

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all recount the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. There we see the Lord’s response to the failure of his disciples to understand him. Shortly before, there had…

Pope to Democratic Republic of Congo youth: ‘A different future is in your hands’



Martyrs’ Stadium (Kinshasa)
Wednesday, 2 February 2023



Thank you for your show of affection, your dancing and your testimonies! I am delighted to meet you face to face, to greet you and to bless you as your hands were lifted up…

Pope’s presence in South Sudan marks unique moment in time

Pope’s presence in South Sudan marks unique moment in time
Pope Francis’ apostolic journey to South Sudan concluded with the celebration of Holy Mass in Juba on Sunday morning. South Sudan expert Miklos Gosztonyi highlights some of the most significant aspects of the visit.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis wrapped up his visit…

Pope Francis’ Intention for February 2023 – For Parishes:

We pray that parishes, placing communion at the centre, may increasingly become communities of faith, fraternity and welcome towards those most in need.

Script from Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network video for February 2023:

Sometimes I think that we…

My Spiritual Testament Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The Holy See releases the Spiritual Testament of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, dated 29 August 2006.

My spiritual testament

When, at this late hour of my life, I look back on the decades I have wandered through, I see first of all how much reason I have to give thanks. Above all, I thank…

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI In Memoriam

Article taken from La Civilita Cattolica
The Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, passed away on December 31, 2022, at the age of 95, at the Mater Ecclesiae convent in the Vatican, to where he had retired after retiring from the papacy and where he spent the last years of his long life in retreat…

Pope Francis’ Intention for December

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for December, asking the faithful to pray that volunteer organizations, and that those who work in them may work as “artisans of mercy.”

Pope Francis releases his…

Synodal Process with Fr. Declan Hurley and Julieanne Moran

Where the process is now with Fr. Declan Hurley, Julianne Moran
Fr Declan and JulieAnn Moran in conversation with Wendy Grace

Thanks to the iCatholic team for this engaging update and honest appraisal of the Journey of the Synod to date. Thanks to all parishioners who participated in the parish and diocesan process and…