Pope Francis call for Prayer in Afghanistan

Published on September 3, 2021

After the Angelus the Holy Father last Sunday Pope Francis called on us to Pray and Fast and do Penance for peace. 

“Dear brothers and sisters, with great concern I am following the situation in Afghanistan, and I take part in the suffering of those who are grieving for the persons who lost their lives in the suicide attacks that happened last Thursday, and of those who are seeking help and protection. I entrust the deceased to the mercy of Almighty God and I thank those who are striving to help that population so tried, in particular the women and children. I ask everyone to continue to help the needy and to pray that dialogue and solidarity may lead to the establishment of a peaceful and fraternal coexistence and offer hope for the country’s future. In historic moments like this one we cannot remain indifferent; the history of the Church teaches us this. As Christians this situation obligates us. For this reason I address an appeal, to everyone, to intensify your prayer and practice fasting. Prayer and fasting, prayer and penance. This is the moment to do so. I am speaking seriously: intensify your prayer and practice fasting, asking the Lord for mercy and forgiveness.”

In  northern Mozambique there are 800,000 refugees, . Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with around 21 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, including more than 11 million children.

“I believe that in this global world, every man and woman can do something. If small groups can sow terror, small groups can sow peace. And they can do it through prayer which, together with fasting, which is also detachment from daily life, is a ‘revolt’ against war, as well as an invocation to the Lord, the Lord of history, so that He may open up paths of peace and arouse, through His spirit, the good will of men and women, of the powerful, of institutions.” Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Sant’Egidio Community

In response the Holy Father’s request we will have Rosary and Benediction on Wednesday Evening at 7.30 p.m.